“We’re Just Going To Have To Out-Care Them.”
Dearest friends and fans,
Last week we wrote to ask for your help for a cause and organization with which Carlos and Deborah are deeply involved. Now we’re writing to say thank you…and to ask for your help once again.
With the support of many Santana fans, Artists for a New South Africa’s program to Help African Children Orphaned by AIDS made it to the next round of the American Express Members Project contest. It was voted into the Top 25 and is in the running to win up to $5 million. Thank you to everyone who voted and spread the word. We ask you all to join us in taking action now.
ANSA’s project is up against huge organizations with massive budgets, mailing lists and staffs. ANSA is a small organization that has a powerful impact because of the depth of commitment and creativity of its supporters…people like Carlos and Deborah…and you. As Deborah said, “We’re just going to have to out-care them.”
There are only 5 days for this project to make it to the Top 5. Voting for this round starts on Tuesday, July 17 at 12 am EST and runs through Sunday, July 22 at 11:50 pm EST. Every American Express cardholder can vote in this round, whether or not you voted before, go to www.membersproject.com.
In South Africa, there are over 5.5 million people living with HIV/AIDS and over 1.2 million AIDS orphans, more than any other nation in the world. Recognizing that this urgent crisis could not be solved by traditional methods, Carlos, Deborah and ANSA brought together a taskforce of leading African AIDS and child welfare experts to create a sustainable response. Together, they developed a comprehensive program that meets the needs of parentless children. For under 50 cents a day, orphans receive essential services including loving care, food, clothing, medicine, and counseling, while developing more permanent solutions through legal and social services, scholarships, food gardens, water projects, and other innovative means.
The pilot program was started with funds Carlos and Deborah donated to ANSA from the 2003 Summer Shaman Tour and has operated successfully for 3 years in 3 communities, served over 5,000 orphans, and built permanent capacity within each community to care for their orphaned children. Thanks again to each one of you who bought a ticket for that tour. Your dollars have made a real impact in the lives of orphans and people with HIV/AIDS.
Please help Carlos and Deborah bring this proven program to other children and communities in desperate need. All you have to do is cast a vote and ask your friends to vote, too. If you are an American Express cardholder, go to www.membersproject.com . Just for registering AmEx will donate $1 to the winning project. Vote for ANSA’s project number #6841 – Help African Children Orphaned by AIDS. Whether or not you voted before you can vote now.
This project has made it to the Top 25 out of 7000 entries. Help ANSA get into the Top 5…and then help us win! The winning project will receive up to $5 million dollars from American Express.
If you want to learn more about ANSA or directly support this AIDS orphan program, visit www.ansafrica.org. To watch a video about ANSA, go to www.youtube.com/user/ArtistsNewSAfrica
As Carlos says, “Be a weapon of mass compassion.” It’s time to fire that compassion again!